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Xbox One has lowered the price of a few bangers this month. It’s a great time to pick up those games that were 60 or more bucks. With esports being busy this weekend, You may want to pick up some of these games to kill time in between matches. Whether enjoy single player games or like to play with others, Xbox has lowered the price of a plethora of 5 star games. Here is a list of a handful of games to check out!
The Multiplayer Experience
Gears of War: Ultimate Edition - $19.99
Halo 5: Guardians - $19.99
Rocket League - $11.99
These games initially came out on PC and Xbox during the release of the Xbox One. Halo and Gears of War are legendary Xbox exclusive series that still have a large following today. Rocket League is played on many consoles and PC and consistently stays in the top 20 most viewed on Twitch. Whether shooters or crazy vehicle soccer, Xbox has some high octane multiplayer action at a very inexpensive price.
The Solo Challenger
Cuphead - $19.99
Dragon Age: Inquisition - $19.99
Doom - $19.99
Dying Light - $19.99
Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain - 19.99
If you prefer to play at your own pace but want to be challenged, these games are right up your alley! Cuphead is an intense old school, arcade style game where you attempt a boss rush styled story mode. It is intense and has won many awards for an Indie game. Dragon Age: Inquisition is a masterpiece of a game similar to Skyrim. If you enjoy fantasy and a “Choose your own path” style game, you’ll love this one. Doom and Dying Light are filled with a ton of action of monster killing and flying across the map. These shoot’em up games have great story and a bunch of thriller moments that will surprise you. Metal Gear Solid V is for the experienced players, but if you haven’t tried it out yet it’s a great buy. You’ll follow Snake after MGSV: Ground Zeroes. Make sure you brush up on the story for the best experience!
The Casual Player
Firewatch - $19.99
Stardew Valley - $14.99
Life is Strange - $19.99
For the casual players, slower paced games might be a relaxing change of pace. Firewatch is a aesthetically pleasing game that follows a narrative. Players experience the outdoors as a Forest patrol and explore and do task in the serene environment. Life is Strange follows the story of a girl, Max, and her relationships, adventures, and secrets of the town in an episodic fashion. Stardew Valley is a 2D pixel art styled game where you can create and grow a farm, create relationships, and save the town from being taken over by Jojamart. If you like to play games from time to time, these are great choices for the casual gamer!
Be sure to check regularly as many of these classics are dropping in price!