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The closed beta for The Crew 2, Ubisoft’s much anticipated open world racing game began on Thursday May 31 and ran until Monday June 4. The beta period allowed players to get access to the first level of the game’s progression system in the Street Race, Rally Raid, Aerobatics and Powerboat areas. They were also able to experience the Fast Fav feature that allows gamers to switch up their vehicles on the go.
The Fast Fav feature has become the most important feature of The Crew 2. Even if you’re in a plane flying over the seas and decide that you’d rather be on the water, you can promptly switch up to be on the boat. While this obviously doesn’t add up to a more realistic experience, it is most definitely an adrenaline filled feature, and there are bound to be some exciting moments behind the wheel.
There is a catch though, only few races make use of the ability to switch vehicles on the go. This is because most players can simply fly to their location instead of grinding their cars through the roads.
Those who played the game were enthralled at the vastness of it, but they did feel that there was far too much land to explore. An open world can be a very uninteresting experience to explore on its own, but it can make for an exciting experience when more than two players are involved.
The Crew 2 also offers customization options which will allow gamers to spice things up with their creativity. Every vehicle can be customized with 1000 layers to choose from. Players who take their time with each layer can come up with interesting results.
There are several gamers who aren’t too sure of the game’s vastness and believe that it is cluttered with boredom throughout the spaces. “Boring land, sea and skies” is how some players described their respective experiences. The novelty of switching up the cars quickly became boring because players realized how lackluster the world really looked.
Providing players with a garage is a good option, this way they can keep busy with decorating their cars even if they’re bored with the open world itself. Players will be given two separate house bases where they can hang out in the game, one in Miami and one in LA. They can even walk around in first-person to admire the view.
The in-game currency will allow players to purchase numerous ornaments from the front fender to the back rims, and over thousands of liveries to choose from on each side of the car. The number of expensive and exotic cars available to pick up is incredibly vast, allowing payers to focus on those if the main gameplay doesn’t offer them munch.
The idea about sharing pictures of your customized car in the heat of the battle with your friends makes for a highly curated experience. Perhaps The Crew 2 will kickstart a new trend about gamers sharing snaps of their cars in amazing situations.