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The beauty of this world is that it’s constantly undergoing a process of perpetual change. This change is supposed to impact everyone and everything. This is a statement that is particularly true of numerous things in this world including the society. Society changes and leaves the former generation marveling at the progress made, while the new generation takes everything in stride.
An example of this enduring change to the world is professional gaming. Until a decade ago, professional gaming was regarded as little more than just a past-time. It was a hobby that students in their college and high schools would participate in during those famous study nights. However, the early 2000s saw an increase in what it meant to be a gamer. Though there have been regular conventions where gamers from all across the world have come together to compete since the 70s, it really became a proper industry during the early 2000s.
The internet was a key reason for this development. Players from all across the world could meet up in a lobby and compete against each other. The introduction of games such as World of Warcraft as well as League of Legends, gave new meaning to the word “gaming”. It had somehow transformed itself from a mild hobby to a raging passion. This is a passion that may soon take another significant leap.
According to latest reports, Esports has already become a $906 million industry in 2018 and is expected to double in its capabilities by as early as 2021. This means that from a pure industrial perspective, there are multiple jobs that are now being created that did not even exist as little as a decade ago. This includes professional gamers.
Professional gamers are people who play games professionally. There are still people who would struggle to truly grasp that how can something like playing games be a profession? These gamers act as Esports athletes, influencers, livestreamers as well as modders. This makes them an important cog in the grand machine of gaming. However, the jobs in Pro-gaming are no longer limited to just professional gamers. In recent years, there has been a need of lawyers, accountants, doctors to work full-time in these Esports companies.
The reason for that is simple; there are no professional lawyers, accountants or doctors that have the training to deal with the unique ecosystem or the requirements of the Esports industry. And far from being the mundane jobs, careers in the Esports industry are considered some of the most exciting in terms of opportunities as well as financially rewarding.
While Esports still relies heavily on the professional gaming part to sustain it remarkable growth, it is undeniable that this growth has been complemented by the growing need of other professionals in this field. There are Esports companies that are negotiating contracts with organizations like the NFL, FIFA and NBA. There are professional gamers who are sustaining unique gaming related injuries, and there are profits being generated that do not fit the traditional definitions. It requires a new breed of professional lawyers, doctors and accountants who understand the dynamics of this industry and so, the world of Esports is expanding.