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One established leaker has put out a possible leak of one streak set coming to Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare that we haven’t seen since Call Of Duty Ghosts. He predicts we will be seeing specialist streaks returning from MW3 and Ghosts.
The global reveal of Multiplayer isn't happening until August 1, which means that players have had to resort to getting their news from those who claim to have insider information about the game. This leaker that is reputable of leaking content is ‘TheGamingRevolution.’ He is established as being a source for leaked Modern Warfare content. TheGamingRevolution has earned himself some credibility in the community, having correctly disclosed the existence of the 2v2 Gunfight mode that was later shown by Infinity Ward themselves.
His latest leak came on July 16, and it was about the possible return of Specialist Streaks: "Specialist Streaks are back. Big changes are happening lads."
Specialist Streaks were a mechanic first introduced in Modern Warfare 3 and later in Ghosts, adding another dimension to unlocking streaks in Multiplayer. Unlike traditional streaks, Specialist Streaks rewarded players with additional Perks whenever they accumulated a certain number of points in a row without dying. Players who achieved the maximum point streaks would unlock all of the Perks during the match, giving them a significant boost in ability and power over their opponents.
However, Specialist Streaks haven't been seen in Call of Duty since Ghosts, with unlockable streaks reverting back to just equipment and support. As a result, players could only use a limited amount of Perks per match, as the special abilities would only come into affect when they were equipped on an active class.
That being said, it is clear that specialist streaks will be able to be selected over other lethal streaks. Only time will tell if these predictions come true on August 1.
Source: TheGamingRevolution