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Don’t get too caught up in the festivities and miss out on the cool toys Fortnite received for its birthday. While the latest updates of V5.10 are cool, the SMG received a new model and a handful of updates while the controversial Guided Missiles.
Compact SMG
One of the biggest releases to hit the platform is the Compact SMG. The gun comes in epic and Legendary variants that will deal between 23 and 24 damages. It will use light ammo and hold up to 50 rounds and is located on the floor, in chests, at Supply Drops and from Vending Machines. The SMG have undergone a few changes, reducing its accuracy to 15 percent, damage to 17, 18 and 19 and fire rate to 12. The compact was also reduced from 35 percent accuracy to 15, damages to 21 and 22 and fire rate to 10.
Along with adjustments to SMG, the Supply Drop loot weapon rates were adjusted. Assault Rifles moved from 25 percent to 14.2 while explosives and sniper rifles increased to 28.5 percent. Heavy shotguns will be a bit rarer with a 7.1 percent rate while minions increased to 14.2. Hand Canon, Dual Pistols and Silenced Pistols were removed from the loot. Traps, consumables and materials were also adjusted in the Supply Drop.
Guided Missles
While the SMG is cool, the biggest controversy circling Fortnite currently is the Guided Missiles. Originally removed for player’s displeasure over how OP the weapon turned out to be. Epic Games released a statement about the missiles on reddit, stating, “We share your concerns, so we’ve put the Guided Missile into the Vault while we figure out the next steps for its future.”
Epic Games heard and has answered. The new Guided Missiles’ received a reduction of movement speed, damage radius, damage and turning radius, restricting the missile to deadly capabilities but more of a scouting tool. The missile will no longer be an explosive rocket used to snipe your opponent but may help you find wounded targets and hidden enemies.
The Guided Missiles will be restricted to a 12 ammo cap and movement has been improved for PC gamers. The movement update will help mouse and keyboard users to align closer to the movement found with a controller.