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The expansion teaser of this addictive game has led to some disgruntled fans. This is the second video for the series called ‘Warbringers’ and will be focusing on Sylvanus Windrunner – the Horde Warchief. If you’re not looking for spoilers, well it’s probably too late now.
This video series of the game was brought forward by Blizzard and will inform us more and more about the new game. The Battle for Azeroth will be the newest expansion of this series and will be released in the near future. The videos that were released focus on each hero or villain of the new game. The previous teaser video revealed the former Lady of Theramore Isle called Jaina Proudmoore. She was shown to a huge Warcraft fanbase as the most powerful sorceress in the series.
The teaser of this week, however, featured a character that is much darker than the previous. Sylvanus is seen in conversation with a Night Elf as the Hordes are seen preparing to invade Teldrassil. The conversation then leads to flashbacks of when Sylvanus had died and was made into the Banshee Queen. The flashback ends and Sylvanus orders for their home to be burned down as the Night Elf is petrified with horror. Blizzard was previously known as a ‘morally grey’ horde by fans but this act of genocide by the Banshee Queen was perceived as pure evil.
This game’s universe is divided into two factions – the Horde and the Alliance. These races are an option for the players of the game; whether they want to work with orcs or noble humans. This part of the game, once decided for, lead to increasingly addictive PvP battles. Every player had different goals to fulfill by winning these battles.
The buzz which was stirred by this teaser tells us that gamers aren’t happy. People who previously took the alliance with the orcs are now being known as the bad guys of the game; as was clearly portrayed in the trailer. In the previous versions of the game, there were no clear-cut facts about these characters, hence not claiming the players to be good or bad.
Some players were also of the opinion that Sylvanus always seemed like a character that would revert to the dark side. Why this minute difference makes a lot of difference is clear. This game has now made it to other Media including books and movies. The books have always made Sylvanus look like a tyrannical foe, but the previous games did not. Now the Battle of Azeroth is probably going to portray her as a final foe to compete against.
The paranoia amongst the fans of this game is completely justified. This is probably not the end of the entire buzz, however. Two out of the promised three teasers have been dropped on to the huge fan base. Now we just have wait and see what kind of stir the final teaser will start up.