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It looks like Epic Games is up to their usual tricks and Fortnite players are back to speculating on just what the Fortnite Developers have up their sleeves. Players have stumbled upon an unbreakable hatch located in the Wailing Woods area and are desperate to know what it leads to or what will come out of it. A lot of rumors and theories have been thrown around so let’s run through them.
One of the biggest theories is that the hatch is some sort of hint to the eventual inclusion of vehicles. One of the biggest differences Fortnite has from other battle royale games is its complete lack of vehicles, and many people have assumed that Fortnite would eventually throw them into the game in some way or another. The theory makes sense, I mean people have been asking for vehicles since the first season and the hatch does look like the perfect place for say, some sort of Batmobile to fly out of. However, I think realistically vehicles just wouldn’t work in Fortnite considering the map is much smaller compared to games like PUBG and H1ZI so it’s hard to believe that developers would be looking to include something that could possibly ruin their game’s entire experience (outside a limited time game mode.)
Another perhaps more interesting theory is that the hatch itself is a reference to the popular TV series “Lost” which also featured an unbreakable vault. This theory is backed up by the mysterious markings that can be found on the back and front windows of the vault. It’s anyone’s guess as to what the mysterious marks mean and it’s even harder to speculate on when if ever Epic Games will give us any answers. In just 3 weeks of Fortnite season 4 being released players have already found so many mysterious new Easter eggs, from abandoned superhero lairs, to bunkers, and now this mysterious hatch. It’s tough to say what it all means but hopefully we won’t have to wait until season 5 to get answers.