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Having the opportunity to play your as favorite superhero with the help of VR is like a dream come true for gamers. We would dress up like Spider-Man back then but would never be able to shoot webs out of our wrists or climb buildings. With Marvel Powers United, we can take turns to be every superhero we have always dreamed to be.
The training level of the game has us interacting with every other superhero while also getting a hint of a story. The collection of power cells can be used to test all your superpowers against smaller enemies like hydra soldiers or robots. Every expectation of animations and combos are fulfilled by this game including being able to create immense chaos by playing the Incredible Hulk!
The Iceman character is something out of the ordinary and worth discussing. This is because this very underrated character has the ability to freeze all the enemies in his way so that all his teammates can finish them off. Other than this, when you tilt your head towards your arms, the icy glowing hand are just satisfying on a personal level.
Like every other superhero game ever, a boss turns up in the story. Even though their difficulty level is justified, every gamer can eventually spot a pattern in their weaknesses. This is somewhat of a letdown as with this augmented reality into the superhero universe, things should feel as real as possible, or maybe we’re just expecting too much from game developers. Either way, progressing in the game is quite easy.
Some bosses really keep you on your toes like Magneto or Loki. When you’re done with Loki, you can also smash him around with the Incredible Hulk as was hilariously portrayed in the Avengers movie. Also, when Venom slings fiercely into your screen, you will feel a confusing rush of fear and respect for your enemy.
One immense let down of the game is when you and your team look for power cells around the map. Now we know a game should be made hard for gamers, but if a character can fly or teleport around the map, won’t it be a letdown if you saw them running like a normal human being? Again, the humongous expectations for the nature of augmented reality get in the way of testifying for these games.
There are 18 characters that can be opted from since the beginning of the game. Some of these have overwhelming unique qualities while others are quite plain and interchangeable. Other than the Hulk, Hawkeye has many kinds of arrows for you to choose from to create a range of damages. Doctor Strange and Captain Marvel, however, will have powers which inflict the same amounts of damage, but with different special effects.
Marvel Powers United can be described as a whole new level of experience which fulfills thousands of childhood dreams. Characters and environments have been portrayed perfectly to immerse you into an alternate reality. So if you can ignore the small discrepancies in the VR reality, then you are in for quite a treat!