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The Crew 2
The Crew was an action filled, adrenaline inducing game that garnered a lot of attention and mixed feedback from players. It gave off the same ‘street race’ vibes that Need For Speed titles of old did back in the day. And given its awesome launch and sales revenue during the first few weeks of release, it can be safely said that preparations for The Crew 2 is in full gear.
Fans were first given a snippet of the game in E3 2017 and it was promised that The Crew 2 would be keeping the good from the original game and spice things up with brand new renovations to it. The game would be launched within the first few months of 2018 and launched across all major platforms including the Xbox One and PlayStation 4.
By far the most noticeable thing from the cinematic trailer is the fact that the game does not stick to only street racing. The action takes across land, sea and the soaring skies, all of which will add a significant amount of replayability to the game.
To give gamers a glimpse of what’s to come, the developers announced that they are running the beta for The Crew 2 from May 31st to June 4th. Interested players can hop over to the beta’s signup page and learn all required details to try it. Players would require a large amount of space for the beta version at 30 gigs. They can stream the beta and will be given the ability to invite up to three friends to join them.
The beta will even include the much appreciated photo and video editing tools from the full game. Ubisoft told in their announcement that the entire world is the player’s ‘oyster’ in the beta version, where they will be able to engage in all sorts of vehicular fun such as racing on water, aerobatics, street racing, flipping around, flying in planes – and pretty much dictating your own terms when it comes to the overall gameplay.
Gamers who play the closed beta will be given an exclusive leather jacket in the final game which can be used as an avatar. But they will not be able to carry their progression or character over to the final game and will be forced to start over.
The good thing is that you don’t really need a PlayStation Plus or an Xbox Live Gold subscription. But in order to get the co-op mode and crew features, a membership will be required.
Tidbits about the world
The world is a scaled replica of the United States where you can explore all the cities for recreational purposes. It’s amazing to note how players will be able to move from one environment to another without going through any loading times. The story itself will be interconnected across the entire country.
There will be four different disciplines of racing in the final game, the Street Racing hub, Pro Racing hub, Freestyle hub and Off-road hub. The story doesn’t feature any over-the-top plotlines and so far seem to be about being the best racer in the country. You simply have to take on difference races and try to be the best in all of them.