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Well, summoners, it may be hard to believe but we are 13 patches into Season 8 and as many of you know Riot has been doing some pretty wild things to the Meta. Rest easy however this patch is a lot tamer in comparison.
The major shake-up with this newest patch is the serious Aatrox rework. Aatrox has been cast aside to the deepest darkest corner of tier list for quite some time now but it appears as though Riot might have created a monster with their new vision for the champion. Aatrox’s new kit has him playing a lot like Riven with lots of medium range abilities that seem easy to learn difficult to master. Ultimately it looks like Aatrox will be something to fear in the top lane once again with his new kit allowing him to easily harass and tower dive his opponent in lane.
Aside from Aatrox’s buff, it seems some runes are getting a much needed boost as well specifically the Domination rune which has recently fallen to the wayside due to its high-risk high reward playstyle. The rune is getting a pretty sizeable stat increase that will hopefully encourage players to pick up the rune more often.
More good news for ADC players, it appears that Riot has taken note of the massive blow ADC’s took in the last patch and is looking to remedy this with some buffs to everyone’s favorite crit based champions Tristana, Jinx, and Twitch.
Riot has also taken note of how real snowballing was in the last patch. You probably developed some serious PTSD experiencing match after match where you enemy got one good exchange in the early game and suddenly spiraled into an uncontrollable beast swallowing up all your precious LP. Well, Riot is looking to remedy some of that headache by shortening up early death timers and increasing bounty for those out of hand champions with six uncontested kills.
Lastly, it is time for some new skins and a brand new event. That’s right League of Legends is back with another versus event this time it’s between Garen and Darius for their new God King Skins. Corny name aside, their new skins are looking pretty sweet so get ready to complete a brand new set of challenges or shell out some serious cash.
Hopefully, players will be satisfied with Riot’s attempts to ease the chaos that was 8.12 and enjoy some slightly less stressful times on the rift.