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Feedback from last week’s Modern Warfare 2v2 gamemode has been extremely positive. Fans are loving this new gamemode! However, users have expressed how they wanted to experience the gamemode gameplay without the streamers’ commentary and face cams over the gameplay.
Users on Reddit have mentioned this topic a few times since the Thursday stream and asked Infinity Ward about releasing additional gameplay. The streams were capped at 900p 60FPS and some viewers wanted to see the gameplay without the streamers talking over it and their face cams blocking the screen.
Infinity Ward’s Senior Communications Director replied on Reddit stating that they have something in the works but no ETA for its release as of now.
“Can’t give an ETA at the moment, but we’ve got something in the works.”
The multiplayer reveal of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare is set for August 1st at 1 PM ET. It’s not clear if this gameplay will be showcased during the MP stream or released at a different time.
Source: Reddit