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Hearthstone has recently released their new expansion titled “The Boomsday Project” and has brought a ton of interesting and game changing cards. 10 days later, many big time Hearthstone streamers have climbed to legend and have identified trends in the decks used to climb the ranked ladder. Let’s take a look at a few of them that were heavily impacted.
Togwaggle Druid - King Togwaggle was mostly a meme when he came out. The thought of switching decks and giving your opponent a card to switch back seems like a comical idea, but 2 cards makes this a tier 1 deck. Twig of the World Tree allows for a potential 20 mana turn which will allow you to play Toggwaggle+Azalina Soulthief. In addition, Dreampetal Florist from the Boomsday expansion allows you to pull this combo off with some luck. It will decrease the cost of a minion by 7 mana, essentially making it free to play. Naturalize and stalling tactics from Druid’s arsenal makes this strategy viable and can put you in situations where your opponent has no option but to go bottom right.
Even Warlock - A Genn Greymane deck with only even cards to enable a 1 mana hero power. This decklist contains a high amount of tempo statted cards familiar to Warlock with a twist. Filling your hand to play Mountain Giant and Twilight Drake is a breeze and will help you early game. Defensive tools like Defile, Hellfire, and the new Mossy Horror helps this deck breeze past aggressive decks with ease. The twist is the new Demonic Project card in combination with Sacrificial Pact. Demonic Project turns a random minion in each player’s hand into a demon. This card can single handedly destroy combo decks and control decks by removing essential pieces to the core of the decks. The defensive power and potential sabotage from Demonic Project helps escalate Even Warlock to the top.
APM Priest - Streamers since day one have been learning this deck with mixed success. Using Stonetusk Boar, Test Subject, Power Word: Shield, Divine Spirit, Twilight’s Call, and Topsy Turvy, a player can duplicate the buffs enough to create one of the highest damage burst combos in the game. The highest I have seen is Disguised Toast duplicating 6 boars with 2048 attack each burning through a taunt warrior and obliterating the armor and health instantly. This deck requires tons of actions to pull off thus fitting of the title.
Have you tried the new expansion yet? What are you waiting for? Hop on and receive a free legendary and 3 card packs from the new expansion. Good luck out there and keep a lookout to see how the meta develops.