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PlayStation users around the world can we rejoice has the current lack of cross-platform support for our beloved fortnite might be seeing some changes soon. Sony has announced an open beta allowing for clock cross-platform to be what's between all platforms. The full comprehensive list includes cross-platform gameplay tween, PlayStation 4 and windows, mac, android, IOS, the Nintendo switch and even Xbox One. Currently, it looks like epic games are simply Gathering data as to how cross-platform gameplay between all the systems, however with the open data being announced, if the community is responsive sony itself could open the gates of cross-platform games the other franchises as well.
What are the biggest appeals for fortnite is its availability to play the game itself, it's a free to play the game in which you can play with friends across even if they just have a phone. With PlayStation no longer being restricted to these limitations that would join the club and we can expect massive console content between all platforms. The lawn going rivalry between PlayStation and Xbox can now be fought over on the grounds the Battle Royale game itself. Anecdotes from playlist PS4 players around the world seem to be in favor of this idea, as well as being in favor of adding the feature to every other popular game such as Rocket League, Minecraft or Call of Duty. Is The Gaming Community itself seen a revision in the in the way in which we play with our friends?
Potentially we can see a future where cross-platform games the norm and instead the defining factor between the consoles is there exclusives. Previously Sony has been incredibly stoic about the issue, it's nice to see that they're willing to make Headway for the progress of the company, we as a community can only hope that they will continue to work progressively with their users wants.