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After the release of Fortnite Season 4 Battle Pass on May 1st, players have encountered issues while using the Builder Pro configuration.
If you have experienced issues with Builder Pro after the release of Fortnite Season 4 don’t worry, the developers are already aware of this and they plan on fixing it fairly soon. For those new to the game, Builder Pro is an optimized configuration for helping you build and place tiles quickly. Many players praised the Builder Pro configuration because the building became smooth and quick in gameplay, especially while in battle.
Epic Games became aware of this issue after Reddit user, Fwinnit, asked Epic to look into the bug in a post on May 4th. To summarize the post, there is a delay when using Turbo Building with Builder Pro, which should help you build faster, but it now makes the process go slower. The pieces are also ghosting, or disappearing where they should be placed. Building Walls has been even harder because it is inconsistent if they will be placed or not. Epic Games needed to respond quickly, because the issue had put a lot of players at a disadvantage when playing, causing a lot of frustration.
One of the developers from Epic Games, who goes by darkveil on Reddit, responded that same day. He confirmed that there was at least one issue with Turbo Building which is, if you hold the button down, it wouldn’t build anything. Any other issues with the timing on the Builder Pro control scheme were not noticed, but he promised to look into it over the weekend.
In just one day, darkveil updated his response adding that he found an additional issue, where “when quickly switching between different pieces in Builder Pro, Turbo Building will not place the piece until you release and re-press the button. It happens most often with the LT/RT triggers, but will also reproduce with the bumper buttons if you switch very quickly.” He apologized about the bug, and said "We'll get it fixed in an upcoming patch (probably 4.2.)”
Because these issues were addressed quickly, Fortnite can be improved and the bugs can be fixed with the new update. Unfortunately, the players will have to wait until the upcoming patch, which has no set release date. By addressing these issues on Reddit, the developers kept an open line of communication with it’s ever growing fan base. Epic Games continues to stay connected with the players and there is no better place to do that than Reddit.