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Strap in folks, because developer Bungie has a lot in store for Destiny 2’s upcoming Forsaken Expansion including a pre-patch that is already adding a ton of new features. Destiny’s history has been a rocky one. The first game generated a ton of hype and lots of people bought the game expecting Bungie to hit another home run, but the content and excitement ran out very quickly. Destiny 2 fixed a ton of problems with the first game but there was still that issue of hitting a wall where there was simply no more new content. Heading into their second year, Destiny 2 developers are looking to remedy this. In fact, Design director Justin Truman said, “The main thing we want to change with year two of Destiny 2 is that there’s never a content drought.” From the pre-patch to what’s on the horizon it certainly seems like Bungie is making due on their promises.
Starting things off with the pre-patch, one of the biggest changes to arrive is the adjustment of the weapon slots. The new patch will see that shotguns, fusion rifles, and sniper rifles are moved from the power slot to the kinetic and energy slot. This means that players will have a much bigger variety of weapons they can have in their arsenal and allow players to use powerful weapons more frequently. In addition, Xur the creepy tentacle faced man is back and this time he is going to be significantly harder to track. Now instead of being broadcasted on your map, Xur will instead just be somewhere undisclosed and players will have to seemingly stumble upon him. This is a double edge sword. While it does make encountering Xur incredibly hype it also makes it incredibly difficult as well. Of course, a patch wouldn’t be a patch without some buffs and nerfs as well. Wormhusk Crown is getting nerfed to be less irritating in PvP, and Celestial Nighthawk is getting a massive buff in the PvE. Classes will be getting some buffs including a very convenient boost to Rally Barricade which now feeds ammo directly into a player’s magazine while standing behind it. Then, last but certainly not least tokens are officially gone and so are the days of farming for them. Now players will have to gather various materials and trade them for upgrades which could be equally annoying but hey at least it’s something different.
As for what Bungie has planned for the future, it seems like a ton of new content. Bungie will be laying out free seasonal updates as well as even bigger updates with an “annual pass” that includes a three-part overarching storyline. Although it seems like your pretty forced to get the “annual pass” to get an increase in solid content at least it seems like Bungie is more than prepared to keep Destiny players busy for the next year. Hopefully, we all enjoy what’s in store.