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Cyberpunk 2077 seems to have drawn up its own genre – a warning for modern life in the form of a game. CD Projekt Red doesn’t deny the fact that this genre includes political themes in its source material. In fact the quest designer, Patrick Mills actually identified that this is exactly what they meant to portray.
According to Mills, the game intends to portray people who have all the power and believe that no-one can bring them down. This power is represented in the form of technology, money, hierarchies, and violence. He curtly added that they don’t tend to shy away from what their games portray and everything is completely intentional.
Mills also said that the developers agree that their game is inherently political which means that it represents realities of the world. To illustrate what they mean, we will have to use in game examples.
The Trauma Team service gives constant monitoring of health for the rich alongside heavily armed paramedics. This on its own would have been fine if it weren’t for the demonstration of poor people with no such services.
Other than the obvious political notions of the game, it has been represented in the future – as the name boldly suggests. People are portrayed losing interpersonal roles among each other due to their connections to machines; sound familiar? The storylines in the game basically answer the question ‘what if people have too much power?’
The first person perspectiveof the game adds to the experience by letting you see from the character’s eyes. The game is somewhat like the Witcher 3 – which was a third person offering, and hence lost the effect of POV. In a third person perspective, the fictitious story seems to be happening to the character. In the first person, however – it’s all you.
The intrinsic detail and thought that went into the game are what people should definitely be exciting for. An example of this is the futuristic advertisements which allow for customers to interact with and then find out where they can purchase it on a map. You’re in for a completely detailed alternate reality!