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Competitive gaming has changed a lot over the years. Gone are the days of kids venturing out to the local arcade and lining up to play the latest machine while attempting to become the biggest name in town by taking the high score. Now gamers shoot much higher than a little bit of playground cred around town; they want to be household names.
Now competitive gaming means the possibility of a full-time career like the NBA or MLS, and yes, they even have their own professional league for video gaming — Major League Gaming or MLG for short, packed arenas and specializations. Gaming is no longer the trend of the misfits of high school, but rather the newest social trends even among the most elite of social groups. But how does one get involved in competitive gaming?
It’s impossible to be competitive in multiple games. The time you spend divided between the different games is time you could be devoted to perfecting a game you are specializing in. Specializing in a game is probably the most important aspect of competitive gaming. It is what separates the pro’s from the casual gamers. However, with online gaming services like Xbox live, there’s really no need to spend time away from your game. Your time is better spent testing your skills against other players and building a reputation in your chosen game.
Gaming isn’t something you are good at over night, and as technology evolves so does the intricacy of games. Games like League of Legends need just as many hours away from the screen as it does playing the game. Some games are complicated and have different tactics, knowing all of those can be the difference between winning and losing a game. Esports are competitive and the competitions are tough and devoted. Don’t expect anything less. Know the game, know the strategy and know the competition.
Don’t think because you’re behind a screen doesn’t mean good sportsmanship doesn’t apply to you. Some games like League of Legends are only known for their vile community that chases many players away from its platform. Games like Fortnite are appreciated for the lack of opportunity provided for players to harass each other. Losing is part of the game. Learning to allow others room to grow and improve is part of the experience, and if that means you take a hit on your record, that’s part of the game. Losing should motivate you and push you to be better, but don’t let it get the best of you and become the way people know you.
It’s understandable when you’re first starting out not to have the best and greatest gear, but as you become more involved and devoted to competitive gaming, it’s time to upgrade. You don’t see pro soccer players with cleats falling apart or baseball players with worn bats and gloves; they have brand new stuff every season. Spend the cash to get yourself the gear you need to compete. Make sure your computer has the right specs and can properly run the games, and don’t forget technology wears just like a car. Having a IT specialist look it over your gear every so often isn’t going to hurt.
Most of the competitive gaming world is a team sport. From COD to LOL, you need a group to compete with. If you’re good enough and have built a stellar reputation, teams will find you or endorsers will build a team and ask you to join, but sometimes that can take years and you may be untested in their eyes. MLG provides a space for players and teams to meet and connect on. It’ll mean trying out, but experience is a big deal and the tryouts will only make you better.
The biggest aspect of competitive gaming is going to be your drive and follow through. All the guides in the world can’t get you to devote the time and confidence to follow through on it. You’re on your own to make it happen. The most important aspect to any of this is to just go for it. Like losing, you might have to restart a couple of times, but eventually, you’ll commit to it and move to the next level.