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DOTA 2 MDL Changsha Major Recap
Following a middling start in group stages that saw PSG.LGD sent to the lower bracket, China’s powerhouse perennial The International contenders brought the pain, tearing through their competition in Changsha, China, to secure their invite for 2018’s The International and to pick up their second DOTA 2 Major win this month after EPICENTER XL. In the span of the two weeks between EPICENTER XL on the 6th and Changsha on the 20th, LGD has made their Paris Saint-Germain sponsor proud by earning $900,000 total in prizes. A month prior, LGD placed 2nd at the first Major of the year, the DOTA 2 Asia Championships, which put them on PSG’s radar and pushes their total prize money earned this year a hair past the million mark. Not bad for two months’ work.
Despite Virtus.Pro dropping out and Team Liquid’s absence, little doubt can be cast as to the capability of PSG.LGD and onto the potential of their finally capturing the Aegis in The International, a prize which has long eluded the brand despite their stalwart performances otherwise. To call their play at Changsha “surgical” would diminish the precision with which they cut through iG.Vitality, TNC Pro Team, Team Secret, Newbee, and ViCi Gaming on the way to meeting VGJ.Storm in the finals.
Weathering the early aggression of VGJ.Storm in the form of pushing compositions with Enigma, Visage, and even double Helm of the Dominator catapult waves, PSG.LGD’s FY and xNova put their team on their back to create space for their carry, which was repaid in full by Somnus in the next game with his Gyrocopter play. Resolut1on had an admirable performance on Storm Spirit for VGJ.Storm in game three to nearly bring the series to a fourth game, but FY showed why fans call him “FY-god” with screws loose, insane Clockwerk hooks to bring home the Battlefury trophy.
Only two DOTA 2 Majors remain with ESL One Birmingham and China DOTA 2 Supermajor in the pipelines at the end of this month and in the first weeks of June for teams to qualify in, otherwise Open Qualifiers will be the last road left.