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The video gaming community proves time and time again that they can’t get enough of the Mass Effect series even though most were disappointed with Mass Effect: Andromeda. They botched Mass Effect 3’s ending and completely failed to live up to expectations with Mass Effect: Andromeda’s shallow storyline and buggy gameplay. Making things worse were the notoriously bad character models that had creepy facial expressions, uncomfortably bordering near the uncanny valley.
Mass Effect Andromeda was panned by both critics and gamers alike and was mocked because of shoddy visuals and a storyline that wasn’t well thought out.
The first three games were a mix of action, adventure and RPG elements that thrived on an amazing gameplay and an enthralling storyline. Mass Effect: Andromeda on the other hand signaled the end of the franchise with its lackluster approach. Things began looking so grim that BioWare decided to cancel all plans for any new DLC for Andromeda, leaving the future of their series in uncertainty.
Mass Effect is far from Dead
BioWare talked in their official blog post about working on something related to Mass Effect. Most of these plans are about their online multiplayer game, Anthem, which is a noticeable shift away from BioWare’s meticulously crafted single player epics. But here are parts and pieces of the blog by developer Casey Hudson that give a ray of hope to players who want to see more of Mass Effect.
“We hear loud and clear the interest in BioWare doing more Dragon Age and Mass Effect, rest assured we have teams working on secret stuff that I think you’ll really like…”
As can be seen from the cryptic message, the team is working on ‘stuff’ and would not give any further details on the exact details.
What about Dragon Age?
Rumors about a new entry in the series have been making headlines around internet forums. BioWare writer Alexis Kennedy spoke about working on a new game Dragon Age game and developer Casey Hudson discussed how the development of Dragon Age will be a ‘live’ experience.
They also promise that their next game, Anthem will have a dynamic open world with real time day, night, weather and world scale events. These elements will have a noticeable influence on the game. BioWare also promises fans of their single player experience that when they return to Fort Tarsis, they can experience the traditional single player experience and ‘spend time developing relationships, making choices and seeing consequences.
The studio prefers to remain tight lipped about any more details, but they promise to reveal more during their panel at PAX Prime, which will run from August 31 to September 3 in Seattle, WA.
Mass Effect’s Future
The recent blog post – promises that BioWare haven’t binned their plans for a Mass Effect sequel. Any news and updates about progress related to the two series is arguably several years away. It is widely speculated that Dragon Age 4 is being worked on and will probably see release before any Mass Effect sequels.